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PBXes Now Supporting HDVoice

A post over at the VoIP Tech Chat forum at DSL Reports points out that PBXes, a service of the German company I-P-Tel, has recently added support for HDVoice in the form of G.722. Apparently this is just a trial to see about uptake rates. A related post in their own forum hints that it’s going well so far.

I’d like to add these guys to my series on Making Use of HDVoice Right Now, but a cursory look at their service offering reveals that their free accounts don’t have access to G.722 based services. You must be on a paid account to get into the trial. To date everything in that series has been possible with free accounts from the likes of Skype, OnSIP, Gizmo5, SIPGate and IdeaSIP.

This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. Look under the “Personal Data” section and choose 722 under the software version selection. I have a free account and was able to select 722.

  2. Since when do you trust documentation πŸ™‚

    Thats always written by marketing folks who are generally clueless πŸ™‚

    1. Hey, that’s me! I’ve written a lot of docs, even some brochures and marketing stuff. Of course, back then it was mired in telling the truth. Less inspired, but truthful.

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