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Comcast won’t let me be

Comcast Business NotificationWhen the Scientific Atlanta/Cisco CableCard failure occurred on December 1 it was just the push we needed to cut the cord. Since we could not have our beloved Tivo DVR there was no further reason to stay with Comcast. We dropped both Xfinity cable TV and Comcast Business internet access. Both changes were long overdue.

Since then, the company simply won’t stop bothering us. They send us offers in the mail saying how, “they miss us” and, “they want us to come back.” I suppose that’s to be expected. Junk mail.

However, for the past week they’ve been sending me text messages with advice about network upgrade work in the area. We had a Comcast Business account for over a decade and never received anything from them. Now they start sending me messages. A month after we closed the account?!

This is not the sort of thing that inspires. Rather, it highlights just what a senseless and uncoordinated organization they truly are.

As if that’s not annoying enough, they send further text messages asking if the prior messages have been helpful? What sort of idiocy is this? We simply don’t care about a service we no longer use.

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Ubiquiti Unifi UXG-Max Router: The Most Boring Installation in Memory

The transition to AT&T Fiber meant jumping from 60/10 mbps service to 500/500 mbps service. Our old router was SmallWall on a recycled HP T620 Plus thin client. SmallWall is a fork of m0n0wall, which I used for years previously. And a history lesson, m0n0wall was the progenitor of pfsense.

Alas, that little hardware/software combination simply wasn’t up to this new, and much faster, ISP. It could only manage to pass 120 mbps. The CPU tracking in SmallWall didn’t show it to be overburdened. I suspect other aspects of the hardware were the problem. It has a dual-ported Intel NIC. They’re 1G ports, connected to the host via a PCIe x4 connector.


I could have swapped out the T620 Plus for something newer and faster. However, I decided to extend our installation of Ubiquiti Unifi gear by adding their Unifi UXG Max router. That would allow me to see the ISP/router performance in the Unifi UI, which is handled by the Unifi Controller app running on a local Raspberry Pi400.

We came to use the Unifi line by way of their Wi-Fi access points. That was the end-state of what had been a long-running search to deliver reliable Wi-Fi. When our Ubiquiti PowerAP N died we deployed Unifi AC Pro access points. So began our foray into “software defined networking.”

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Good riddance to Comcast & Xfinity

For many, many years we have been customers of Comcast. We had their consumer cable TV service, which was rebranded Xfinity. We also had Comcast Business Class internet access. We had both services a very long time.

At the time we installed them we were quite happy with both services. As a Tivo household we were compelled to have cable TV service. We adored Tivo. That effectively bound us to Xfinity.

Back in the day (2008-ish) Comcast’s DOCSIS-powered cable internet outperformed the only alternative, which was DSL. It was not without its quirks. We were compelled to switch to business class service because consumer service was badly degraded at certain times of the day. Basically, it slowed to a crawl when the kids got out of school.

In the early days, we’d occasionally hear from some salesperson who claimed to be our new account rep. They came and went. Every time they offered us faster service, it was for way more money. Occasionally they’d have some deal, but the special offer always evaporated if I wanted to use my own cable modem and router. Or if I didn’t want a bundle that included their voice service.

Eventually, they stopped calling on us. We’ve not been bound to a contract since 2012. We’ve just been grandfathered in on a legacy “Deluxe 60/10” service that cost around $100/mo.

Tivo is the glue

We’ve been a Tivo household since 2001. We currently have a Tivo Roamio Pro with 6 tuners. It’s on the main TV in the house. Other TVs are connected to Tivo Mini’s and a Tivo Mini LUX. A total of four TVs can access any content.

Tivo is still the superlative DVR. Nothing else comes even close. Some cable and satellite providers licensed Tivo tech for their own use. Their own DVRs are absolutely lame in comparison. The fact that they could not match Tivo in 25 years is, I think, testament to the fact that they just didn’t care about the user experience.

Our cable TV bill was over $200/mo. If it were not for our investment in, and admiration of Tivo, we would have long ago dumped Comcast.

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An Elegant Solution to Meeting Audio: Indoors & Outside

I never really wanted to lead anything. In fact, I spent my career trying to be the second or third in-charge. The guy one tier down the org chart who got stuff done. However, back in May of this year I was once again elected to the board of the Woodland Heights Civic Association. From 2017-2021 I was on this board as director of Communications. This time around I was elected president. I was weak and allowed myself to be talked into it.

WHCA Members Meeting May 14-2024

The member’s meeting (pictured above) where the election was conducted was held outdoors in a nearby park. It was May, so the weather was nice. It wasn’t yet too hot.

The outgoing president used a small, battery operated, PA system to be able to address the gathering of  a few dozen. It looked like a tiny guitar practice amp. It had a wireless microphone with a very limited range. I suspect it was Bluetooth based. The range seemed to be about 6 feet. Take two steps away from the amp, or even turn to face away from the amp, and the signal faded. That made things a little awkward, but the business got done.

Given my background, I’m fussy about AV stuff. This experience stuck in my mind. It started me on the lookout for a better solution for meeting sound. Preferably one that was suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

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Presenting on Backup Power to the Montie Beach Civic Club

The evening of Thursday, September 12th I will be giving my presentation on an Affordable Approach to Whole Home Backup Power to a meeting of the Montie Beach Civic Club. This is the fourth time giving this presentation this summer, and most likely the last.

Each time I give it the slides change a little to reflect the time and place. Also to add little things that I’ve learned  along the way. This time I’ve added the following image which reflects the reality that we are currently in the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season.

Hurricane Season

This week Houston had a near miss with Hurricane Francine. Initially moving toward the Texas gulf coast, it veered northeast toward the Louisiana coast. Nonetheless, it serves as a reminder that we need to be prepared for those events that impact the city. We’ve already suffered a number of days of power outage this year, the result of the derecho and Hurricane Beryl.

In truth, much of the reason for this post is to give me a place to put a link to download the slides as a PDF. That way I can have a URL to be the target of a QR code contained in the slide deck.

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