Psst. Hey, Buddy! Wanna Buy A Great Phone?
Monday afternoon an email arrived announcing E4 Technology’s new promotion of the Polycom VVX Series desk phones. As I am a huge fan of the VVX Series I thought this worth sharing.
You may recall that I long ago reviewed the VVX-1500. It remains the single best sounding desk phone that I have ever used!
However, I recently replaced the VVX-1500 that had occupied the corner of my desk with a VVX-600 model. The VVX-600 is much smaller and sounds almost as good as it’s larger kin. It’s Bluetooth capable, which is certainly handy. With the optional camera module installed the touchscreen VVX-600 is capable of HD video (720p).
I also own a couple of the smaller VVX-500s, one with a camera module. Voting with my wallet is the very best form of testimonial that I can offer.
While the VVX-500 and VVX-600 are attractively priced, they are premium products. E4’s offer on the entry-level VVX-300/310 and VVX-400/410 models seems very accessible. It’s hard to believe that you can buy a 6-line, HDVoice capable phone with Polycom build-quality for just $101. That’s the E4 promotional price on the VVX-300.
My focus on small office and home office has certain advantages. I believe that the telephone is core tool in ones business. A SOHO user doesn’t need a large quantity of phones, which perhaps allows some latitude is choosing one or two truly great phones.
Life is just to short to make do with a lousy phone.
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Hi – Thanks for sharing this!