skip to Main Content Offers New CELT Demonstrations

Just before the holidays the folks at put up a nice demonstration page with a lot of detail about their CELT codec. Word of this new offering was announced on the IETF CODEC mailing list.

The samples and explanations provided are first rate. They clearly illustrate the merit in ultra-low-latency for some applications, as well as exemplify how CELT currently fares against other common codecs at a variety of bit-rates and with various types of source material.

My understanding is that this page is intended to describe CELT such that when the ITEF CODEC WG gets further through its work it can be the starting point for a description of OPUS. Recall that OPUS fundamentally arises from the marriage of CELT and Skype’s SILK codec.

Elsewhere on the site there’s some nice background on CELT, including a video presentation by Timothy B. Terriberry from 2009.

Monty’s new CELT demo page has a wealth of information. It’s a very impressive piece of work. Kudos to all involved!

I do hope that OPUS eventually ends up with a logo a little more appropriate than my friend on the right. Blogs posts devoid of pictures can be deadly dull.

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