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Sick of travel costs, Deloitte embraces Nortel telepresence!!!

Wow! This is great news!!! Network World has the release here. There’s a lot of talk about the possibility of reduced travel through the use of telepresence, but the actuality seems to be that except for CxOs, it hasn’t yet impacted companies in a fundamental way.

I certainly travel my share, in fact as I write this I’m just completing three days in Durham, NC. In my position, which is technical sales/installation/support, telepresence isn’t going to reduce my travel at all. However, the ability to provide remote support through Webex and GotoMeeting-like services has helped a lot in recent years.

Still, I hope it catches on BIG-TIME. The demand for bandwidth will help everyone in the end. It will also setup a change in our expectations, making video conferences and online meetings acceptable in more situations.

Heck, if some of the CxOs stay home more due to $$$$ telepresence I may even get upgraded more often!

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Interesting because while searching the net I found your blog about Sick of travel costs, Deloitte embraces Nortel telepresence!!! « Clearing My Head of course i dont agree with everything but you have good points. thx for the info!

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