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Warning! Avoid

We’d all like a deal, right? Most especially a better deal on something that you have to buy anyway, like car insurance. So it was that a couple of weeks ago I succumb to an online ad for EverQuote, a company that purports itself as disrupting the insurance business. I regret the decision to try the service. It was a moment of weakness that haunts me still.

We’ve been with the same company for auto insurance for a long time. They are not the company that has our household insurance. I had thought that it would be worth the time, on a Saturday morning, to see if this disruptive young startup could provide me with a couple of quotes. My hope was that, with just a few minutes at the keyboard (actually my phone in this case) I’d have some insight as to whether we were paying too much.

It didn’t work out that way.

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You wanna put stuff here? Well, to start with, who are you?

The Who - Who Are You AlbumOver the past few weeks I’ve received another few offers from PR folks. They periodically seek to place content for their clients on this site. They see what’s here, find some similarity to their clients product or service, and make some nondescript offer of collaboration.

While I remain open to offers of collaboration, even sponsorship, to date I’ve rejected every such advance. This is largely because the approaches have been poorly conceived.

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Recommended Listening: Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History

Revisionist History Podcast Nexus5Media consumption is a very personal thing. Our favorite music, movies, whatever. It’s all very personal. I don’t usually share opinions about such material.

However, in this case I must make an exception. Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcast is outstanding. If you aren’t aware of it, and I didn’t share it with you, I’d be doing you an injustice. It’s literally breathtaking. The way podcasts should be done.

The series touches on a number of important topics. It’s extremely well-conceived, written and produced. It harnesses the medium, where most others trivialize it.

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Opinion: The FTC Loves Robocalls

Recently NPR's Marketplace featured an interview with Edith Ramirez, Chairwoman of the FTC. The interview can only be described as softball. Host Kai Ryssdal didn't press her on any of the real issues facing the organization. He most specifically didn't…

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