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The Star2Star Distributed PBX & Astlinux

John Bartlett over at CMP’s No Jitter blog has posted an item from VoiceCon about Star2Star’s offering which he characterizes as a “distributed PBX.” He’s right, it’s interesting stuff. What he didn’t mention is that one of the significant people behind the implementation of the “Star Box” is Kristian Kielhofner, the original author of Astlinux….my favorite embedded Linux/Asterisk distribution.

The Star2Star device seems to have a lot in common with Astlinux on Soekris hardware. It sounds like there’s additional software to extend the feature set and wrap it with a hybrid premise/hosted business model. It’s a great idea in the SMB sector.

Darrick Hartman and Kristian Kielhofner, both very involved with the Astlinux project, will be guests on the March 28 edition of the VOIP Users Conference. That should be a very interesting call.

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