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Conference Room Systems Preach Looking Good on Video

CRS web site on hdx4500My long and continuing exploration of the evolution of webcams has reliably turned up a small set of companies that are doing interesting things. Conference Room Systems is one such company. An AV reseller in Pennsylvania they seemed to recognize that A/V tech was evolving beyond its traditional boundaries. It was moving into live streaming, in applications from corporate to churches, schools and community groups.

However, a sales organization is just that. They exist to sell things. Having spent many years in such an organization it’s familiar territory for me. Sometimes they are genuinely knowledgeable, occasionally less so.

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Hear me! For I Am The Lord Of Darkness!

vader-helmetIn the house Stella mostly gets to decide matters of décor. In contrast, in the garage apartment that serves as my office I alone am the master of all things! <evil>HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!</evil>

Recently, I was reminded of the law of unintended consequences. For you see, earlier this year I was annoyed by the ancient ceiling fan in my office. It had the most unbelievably squeaky bearings. It simply had to go!

About that time I had a small credit with Amazon, so I ordered what seemed like a suitable new ceiling fan. The new one was very much like the old one. The primary difference was that the old one included a lamp. The new one, while blissfully silent, doesn’t.

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Polycom Offers Advice For Home Office Working

I’ve noticed that Polycom has been ramping up their use of YouTube in recent months. Their YouTube channel offers more that just product related clips. They have some interesting clips highlighting some of their more innovative ideas and the people who brought them about. 

Just this week they have added a handful of short clips featuring company co-founder Jeff Rodman offering some solid advice on issues related to using video in a home office. For example, this clip on lighting.


If you’ve been reading hereabouts over the past year you’ve likely encountered my own exercise in searching out better lighting.

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Home Office Lighting For Video

Over the course of the past year or two I’ve been making increasing use of video in my home office. Sometimes it’s in a professional context using dedicated hardware. Often it’s less formal, leveraging Google Hangouts or Jitsi Video Bridge. In all…

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Video Calling 4: Can You Identify These lights?

DVE-TelepresenceIt’s been a while since the matter of lighting for video calling has been an issue around here. In general I’ve been pretty happy with the Brightlines LED Conference lamp that I had described previously. I do wish that I had a second light to use at my desk. Thus far I’ve been moving the Brightlines lamp from place to place as needed.

Just a couple of days ago Dave Michels mentioned that he had acquired some of the Videssence ViewMe Lights. The lucky devil, his were acquired on-the-cheap via Ebay. It’s curious that the web site at seems to be D.O.A. even though the product page is up at the Videssence website.

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Remote Conference Presentation via WebRTC

BlogGeekMe-ScreenshotCredit is due to Tsahi Levent-Levi of Amdocs, not only is he a leading voice in the evolution of WebRTC, but he’s eating that very dog food himself. It’s so great to see people walk-the-walk while giving-the-talk. That is in fact what he’s planning to do.

In a blog post today he put out a call for suggestion of WebRTC-based services to highlight in giving a presentation to a conference. His plans include giving the presentation remotely via a WebRTC connection. That’s awesome.

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