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Deal Alert: Logitech BH940-M DECT Headset

Logitech BH940-M-DECT-Headset-300pxLogitech and Jabra have been buddies. In recent times they’ve co-operated on some products, like the most excellent and circular USB speakerphone that’s been perched on my desk the past while. Jabra calls it a SPEAK 410 while Logitech called it something else. In fact, I can’t even find it on Logitech’s web site any more.

It seems that Logitech is pruning its product offering, which brings me to today’s deal. Amazon has the Logitech BH940-M Wireless Mono DECT Headset offered for only $47.81, marked down from it’s $199.99 msrp. Jabra knows this model as the Jabra Pro 930 UC.

Logitech seemed pretty proud of the device when they launched it and a few other Jabra sourced items back in Q4/2011. A couple of people over at the DSL Reports VoIP Forum have purchased the device and seem to be happy with it.

At that price it’s a pretty good deal on a solid DECT cordless headset. It’s intended for UC use, which simply means that it’s USB connected to a computer for use with a soft phone.  It is definitely HDVoice capable.

The Jabra specs seem to indicate limited support for EHS control, making it less than ideal for use with a typical SIP hard phone. They do show it as capable of call control with a select set of Cisco phones.

Like the SPEAK 430, the BH940-M is no longer listed on Logitech’s web site. That means it’s probably been dropped from the lineup. That likely also means that they’ll only be available until inventory is gone. If you buy one do let me know what you think of it.

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