Deal Alert: Refurbished Polycom Hardware at E4 Technologies
Have you ever felt like you want to experiment with HDVoice but just can’t justify the cost? Would you like to try a truly superior SIP desk phone…but are facing a serious budget crunch? We all face such issues from time to time. I am reminded of this as I find that VUC sponsor E4 Technologies has come into possession of a group of refurbished Polycom phones, and is selling them off at some pretty attractive prices.
Their most recent shipment of refurbished Polycom goods includes some Soundpoint IP650s, IP550s and even Soundstation IP7000 conference phones. All these models (pictured above) are G.722 / HDVoice capable. For the truly budget conscious they also have some entry-level Soundpoint IP331 models that are not HDVoice capable.
With the coming of the holidays perhaps this is just the thing you need to affordably upgrade the VoIP Geek in your life?
Notice: On the basis of my personal experience with E4 I recommend them as a vendor, and I do use Polycom gear. I have no direct connection to either E4 Technologies or Polycom. I do appreciate the fact that E4 sponsors the VoIP Users Conference.