SNB Reviews Logitech Squeezbox Radio
All VoIP and no play makes Michael a dull boy. My wife would argue that much of my VoIP-ish activity is play, but that’s another story. If you’ve been reading things around here for a bit you already know that we love our Squeezeboxen! When the music flows here, it flows through these, and we do have a few of them here and there.
Our Christmas dinner this year was hosted at Stella’s sisters house, where her husband Fred has also caught the Squeezebox fever. He caught it from me, I admit it freely. During dinner music was playing in the room but not obtrusively so. It sounded good, but didn’t compete with conversation. I didn’t even see the source of the playback in the room.
A little later it was revealed that Fred has purchased one of the new Logitech Squeezebox Radios. It looks like an interesting little box, definitely worth the $150 street price that seems to be emerging. For more about this new gadget you can read Tim Higgins review over at Small Net Builder.
On a more somber note, Fred found out that the Squeezebox3, aka the Squeezebox Classic, has been discontinued. That’s a pity since we have several and could easily add one or two more. I suppose that will drive me into the new Squeezebox Touch model when it finally becomes available. Such is the price of progress I guess.