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RTX Releases DECT/CATiq 2.0 USB Dongle

The CATiq blog as a press release from RTX Telecom about the release of a new DECT/CATiq 2.0 USB dongle. The release states that the device is basically a DECT/CATiq base station with a USB interface. That makes it an easy way to add cordless telephony capability to devices that might not otherwise have such capabilities.

This also makes it an excellent tool for testing DECT/CATiq systems. Such a tool was used by the DeDected group that reported on the state of DECT encryption at the CCC event in December 2008. The hardware that they used in their experiments was not widely available outside of Europe, and has since been discountinued.

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. it is not really CAtiq 2.0 since there is not certification for CAT-iq 2.0 yet…..

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