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TechWiseTV Episode #37: Redefining the Remote Office

After my last post about Cisco’s TechWise TV I was a little surprised to be contacted by someone from Cisco offering me a pre-release look at the new episode that is due out later today. It’s episode #37 and all about “Redefining the Remote Office.” As a long time home-office dweller this sounded potentially interesting so I had a look.

The show covers a lot of ground including voice, data, VPNs, security, energy efficiency, SLAs, etc. There were some cool ideas in there. I especially like the idea of scheduled power-off/on of devices based on time of day, controlled by logic in the switch providing POE. That’s pretty cool for SOHO sites, and something I should do around my office.

The program is very general in nature, it’s not all about selling Cisco hardware. It’d be beneficial to get someone thinking about the scope of considerations when setting up branch office or home office workers.

The program addresses branch offices and home offices as being similar in nature. In truth I suspect that a large number of SOHO users are not deploying Cisco hardware. More likely they are using less expensive Linksys or comparable hardware as I have over time. Even so the video is useful as it raises some good issues for consideration.

They do highlight an ISR intended to target small and home offices. It features 802.11 N type wifi and sure looks cool. Bet I can’t afford it though.

I have to admit that I’m drawn to this kind of video at least in part because long, long ago I used to create such things. I was an editor and producer back in the late 80’s and early 90’s when corporate video such as this was everywhere. I used to work on stuff like this every day. I especially like the fact that the show is not tightly scripted. The participants are real personalities, with genuine experience.

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