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Voxbone Enters The WebRTC Game

Voxbone-on-WebRTCThis morning’s inbox included an announcement from Voxbone about their own WebRTC service. Based in Belgium Voxbone are a provider of various services to telecom companies. They are most commonly known for providing DIDs in 50+ countries around the world. This allows companies that require multi-national connectivity to offer local-rate telephone access.

In this particular case Voxbone is leveraging their private IP network to pass WebRTC traffic without resorting to using the public internet. The benefits of a managed, private network include assured quality of service and security, as well as  a single point of support and accountability.

Voxbone has a long history of integration using SIP. This new WebRTC service will allow it’s customers with existing SIP infrastructure to tie into the WebRTC realm. They report ten existing customers currently in private beta of WebRTC-based click-to-call for call centers, with broad roll-out projected for Q4/2014.

They have also created a Javascript library to aid in the creation of WebRTC client applications that connect to their service.

Voxbone are a sponsor of the VOIP Users Conference. They provide the various international access numbers that allow participants to join the call with incurring international long distance charges. They have also appeared as a featured guest multiple times.

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