skip to Main Content Offers Free Ads to FOSS Projects

This is really nice. In a post today the admin at the VoIP Wiki offers free ad space to FOSS projects. It’s great idea. Here are the terms: offers free ads for open source VOIP projects.

  • The project just be open source
  • The ad must link to a page
  • Ads for projects that actively maintain content on will be run more often
  • Ads will run on a space available basis

I can think of a few projects that should take them up on this idea. Astlinux would be my first choice. M0n0wall and pfsense would be a good match. Perhaps Askozia?I’d say Asterisk, but they get enough exposure already.

I might also suggest QuteCom as well.  Maybe if QuteCom got a little more exposure and broadened the user based there might be motivation to get the G.722 interoperability issue fixed?

In fact, if anyone from a VoIP/FOSS projects wants to take up the office I’d be willing to help create the advert. I have the graphics experience (that’s my business after all) and knowledge of VoIP space. Could be static or Flash-based as you like.

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