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No Jitter: Still No HDVoice Either!

Here’s yet another case of the telecom punditry failing to live by their own guidance. What’s the common term? “Eating one’s own dog food.”

No Jitter, a UBM property, in support of their Enterprise Connect event, produces a podcast. This time around editor Beth Schultz spoke with Alan Quayle about the coming TADHack Mini Hackathon which will run in Orlando March 25-6, just before Enterprise Connect.

That’s nice. Alan certainly knows his stuff. He’s been a VUC frequent guest in recent years.

NoJitter on Lenovo X-1-Carbon

It’s a pity that the podcast was produced via a plain vanilla PSTN telephone call. Narrowband in the best tradition of Ma Bell, circa 1945.

The failure to tap a new age, HDVoice-capable means of podcast production just feels wrong. Most especially given the widespread emphasis on WebRTC as a key aspect of the new age of telecom creativity.

This sort of thing is more that just a faux pas. It undermines the credibility of the organization. It’s like the PR agent for Tesla arriving at the Detroit Auto show in a Hyundai Pony, emblazoned with a bumper sticker that says, “My other car is a Tesla.”

There are simply sooooo many ways to produce a better podcast. If telephony is your past then there’s the massive installed base of wideband capable IP phones. They can be used with a wideband conference like ZipDX. Others in the space do this routinely.

The ZipDX WebPhone allows HDVoice interop between IP phones and browser-based participants. Just pass them a web guest link and you’re in business!

Heck my Polycom VVX phones can record high-quality audio to a USB stick. That makes it dead simple to create a podcast from any phone call. Connect via SIP URI, or a WebRTC gateway and voila! HDVoice. Better podcast audio.

Setting aside the complexities of IP phones and SIP, the internet is awash with ideas about how to create great podcasts. I’d recommend Zencastr as a starting point. Remember them? They were in #VUC556 way back in the summer of 2015.

Incidentally, I made this same observation about the No Jitter podcast way back on November of 2014. This despite the fact that they published items advocating for the use of HDVoice. For example, there an article by Sorell Slaymaker that underscores the value of HDVoice way back in June of 2009.

The first step to a solution is admitting that there’s a problem. In 2017 the telecom punditry should be using HDVoice already. To do otherwise is embarrassing.

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. The cobblers child has no shoes…. I worked for Gartner, which had the worst network and IT systems of any company I have worked for. I currently work at a networking start-up, with the same challenge in the networking space. UBM/No Jitter leads with thought leadership in UC, not actual demonstration. As weird as it may sound (pun intended), this is the way it is.

    1. Why wear clean clothes? Laundry machines are costly, difficult to use and take up a lot of space that some folks just don’t have. Sending things out to be laundered takes time and costs a lot. It’s counter-productive.

      Those who purport to be experts should make the effort to walk the walk. Not just talk the talk. It’s not difficult. It’s not costly. All that’s required is an awareness that something better is possible.

      If a podcast is worth doing it’s worth doing well. A group of professional should be able to achieve what middle school kids are doing every day.

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