Twitter, Phweet & American Airlines
Earlier this week Andy Abramson discovered that he could make a Phweet call via Twitter, thereby circumventing the VoIP blocking provisions used by American Airlines Aircell operated GoGo in-flight wifi service.
This is definitely interesting as Aircell somehow manages to allow Skype IM, but stop Skype voice calls. This implies that the Tring Me Flash VoIP widget is doing something at least a little unusual.
The folks from Tring Me have been on the Voip Users Conference calls a couple of times. You can hear their Dev 2007 appearance here from the VUC archives. As I recall their widget is both SIP and IAX2 capable.
The VoIP afficionado in me is interested in knowing exactly how they managed to pass the call. More specifically, the scope of the traffic blocking that Aircell is employing. However, the frequent flier in me hopes that making phone calls from planes in the air doesn’t really catch on. What fun it would be to have the person sitting next to you gabbing a great length. Air travel is sufficicently torturous already.

Etymotic Research ER-6i noise isolating headphones
Just the thought of this makes me glad that I carry a set of Etymotic Research ER-6i noise isolating headphones in my bag. In the past I’ve used the Sony MDR-NC10 and MDR-NC11s, but the ER-6s are truly much better. Highly recommended.
Congrats to the folks at Phweet. You’re causing quite a stir.
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Michael, TringMe phone and widgets talks over non-SIP port and then bridges to various voip protocol like SIP, IAX2, Jingle, Skype etc. Hnece, you can use various TringMe services including dial-out from Aircell.
You are right, we love VoIP user conference and usually there ( unless Friday evening takes over 🙂 )
So that’s the magic! Thanks for being so candid about it.