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Netflix Dumps HD-DVD

Sigh, I guess this really is the end of HD-DVD. Today I received a nice email from Netflix telling me very simply that they won't be handling HD-DVD any longer. They'll continue to distribute the discs that they have, but…

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Snom M3 Review Update

The detailed review of the Snom M3 is just about complete, barring a few last minute edits. However, the editors over at have decided to purchase it for publication at their site. It'll probably take them a week or…

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Considering Hosted IP-PBX Offerings

Zeeek posed an interesting question earlier today : “What hosted service would you choose for a non-technical friend?”

Here’s my take on the subject:

Configuration Flexibility

The whole idea of hosted PBX is that you retain the flexibility of having your own PBX, but avoid the headache of its physical installation, maintenance and cost. There will be some configuration, maybe more than a little. There can still be a role for a consultant if the end users are truly non-technical.

Ultimately the ability to craft a dial plan that will adequately serve the end user will revolve around the configuration flexibility of the provider. Here are some features to look for:

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