AsteriskNOW! Is Out Of Beta
As of a couple of days ago AsteriskNOW is no longer in beta. I just downloaded release v1.01 this evening. It weighs in a a hefty 501 MB for the ISO. I'm thinking that I'll fire it up on a…
As of a couple of days ago AsteriskNOW is no longer in beta. I just downloaded release v1.01 this evening. It weighs in a a hefty 501 MB for the ISO. I'm thinking that I'll fire it up on a…
I've already described how much I like these little beasties. They're perfect for embedded Asterisk hosts, FreeNAS, even as routers with a second NIC installed. I've found used ones on E-bay in the $100-200 range. I was surprised to find…
We all knew if was coming after the CES debacle earlier this year. The Hollywood Reporter is today reporting that Toshiba will finally kill off HD-DVD some time in the coming few weeks. How things have changed in just a…
iLounge has a very interesting post comparing these various home entertainment delivery mechanisms. It considers resolution, bit rates, availability and pricing. I'm not certain that I agree with some of their assumptions. They seem to think that Apple TV with…
I just love it when things work as expected. Having been out of town for a couple of days I came back today and needed upload quite a few things to servers in the UK. As I was doing this…
I took this picture with the camera in my Blackberry Pearl back in November 2007. I was at Fry's Electronics in Houston to pick up a few things and thought I'd swing by the TV department to see what was…